Fatima “S”, the Evidence of being Oppressed and the Legitimacy of Ahl al-Bayt “a.s” - 2

17:04 - 2023/12/14

-  These days are the Fatimiya days. The anniversary of the oppressed martyrdom of Fatima Zahra (s). The only child of the Holy Prophet of Islam (s), who did not live for more than 75 or 95 days after his death. Her martyrdom has a story that can distinguish true Islam from false Islam and separate the path of guidance from the path of misguidance. Her story of martyrdom let the Muslims know which Islam is Muhammad’s Islam among all the sects that claim Islam.

Fatima Zahra “s”

Click to Part (One)

Fatima Zahra “s” in the verse of “Mawadat” to the Relatives:

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had toiled suffered, tortured and for 23 years that according to her own words, "No prophet has ever been tortured like me".[1] When he planted the seeds of Islam and formed the Islamic society and government. And he established a power in the Arabian Peninsula that no tribe was capable of resisting at that time. A power that brought even the empires of Rome and Iran to their knees later. The Prophet (PBUH) worked hard for Islam and Muslims. Now that it is near the end of the life of the Prophet (PBUH), God introduces the reward of her Prophethood the “Mawadat” to his Relatives” and says: “Say, I do not ask you any reward for it except the love and obey of [my] relatives”.[2] Fatima Zahra is the closest relative of the Prophet (PBUH). No relative of the Prophet is closer to the him than Fatima “s”. Because she was the only child of the Prophet who lived with him at the end of the Prophet's life. After the Prophet (PBUH), she did not live for more than 75 or 95 days.

Now let's see how the Ummah of the Prophet “s”, the Muslims of that day, fulfilled their Prophet's mission regarding the closest "relative" of the Prophet?

The water for washing the body of the Prophet (PBUH) had not been dried up when they usurped her right (Fadak)[3]. Then they attacked her house and set fire to its gate. Fatima "S" came behind the door to tell them to leave here, they kicked the half-burnt door. [4] The door fell on Fatima. The nail of the gate split Fatima's chest and wounded her. And aborted her "Mohsen" who was in her womb. [5],[6] As a result of the injury, she died shortly after. Until the last moment of her life, Fatema Zahra "S" did not talk to the attackers of her house and was angry with them.[7]

Summary and conclusion:

Fatima Zahra "S" is one of the five people of Al-Abba, about whom the verse of "Tat’hir/Purification" was revealed and proves that she is infallible from  any sin, error and mistake. On the other hand, Fatima Zahra "S" is the closest relative of the Prophet (s) about whom the verse of "Muwadat" was revealed. "Muwadat"  is different from "love". Love is just loving and to like someone. But "Muwadat" is more than love, it is  also the modeling and following. Therefore, God has introduced the reward of his Prophet's mission to love and follow Fatima (S). In the verse "Muwadat", God orders Muslims to follow the path of Fatima, not the path of the enemies and murderers of that lady. Let Fatima Zahra must be your role model and leader, not her enemies and murderers. If we take the word "Muwadat"" to mean "loving", Muslims still did not fulfill his divine command regarding Fatima “s”. Some people usurped her right, attacked her house, and some others watched and did not defend Fatima. According to the verse of "Tat’hir/Purification" and the verse of "Muwadat" and the verse of "Olu al-Amr", Fatima Zahra “s” is an infallible person as well as  the "Olu al-Amr" that Muslims should consider her as their leader and guide and they should follow her. This is the only True Islam that she introduces and interprets.


[1] Al-Wafi, V. 2, P. 235 مَا أُوذِيَ نَبِيٌّ مِثْلَ مَا أُوذِيتُ.

[2] Quran [42–23] قُلْ لَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا إِلَّا الْمَوَدَّةَ فِي الْقُرْبَىٰ

[3] Sahih al-Bukhari, V. 3, P. 1126 and 1360. And V: 6, P: 3474

[4] Al-Imamah and al-Siyasah, Ibn Qatiba, V. 1, P. 19 : أبا بكر تفقد قوما تخلفوا عن بيعته عند علي كرم الله وجهه فبعث إليهم عمر فجاء فناداهم وهم في دار علي، فأبوا أن يخرجوا فدعا بالحطب وقال: والذي نفس عمر بيده لتخرجن أو لأحرقنها عليكم على من فيها، فقيل له: يا أبا حفص، إن فيها فاطمة فقال: وإن

[5] Sair A’lam Al-Nobala, al-Zahabi, Shamsuddin, V. 15, P. 578 : ورجل يقرأ عليه أن عمر رفس فاطمة عليها السلام حتى أسقطت محسنا

[6] Al-Melal and Al-Nehal, Shahristani, V. 1, P. 57 : :"إن عمر ضرب بطن فاطمة يوم البيعة حتى ألقت الجنين من بطنها، وكان يصيح: أحرقوا دارها بمن فيها، وما كان في الدار غير علي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين"

[7] Sahih al-Bukhari, V. 6, P. 2474 : فَهَجَرَتْهُ فَاطِمَةُ فلم تُكَلِّمْهُ حتى مَاتَتْ


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