دانش آموزی

heart-related Dhikrs

13:07 - 2022/11/08


Houses of God

Houses of God
12:52 - 2022/11/07


Encouraging fasting people

Encouraging fasting people
12:28 - 2022/11/07

Encouraging fasting people

Angels who record our good and bad deeds

Angels who record our good and bad deeds
11:35 - 2022/11/06


Considering the fact that there is good and evil, and beauty and ugliness in the world, how can God’s kindness be proven?

Considering the fact that there is good and evil, and beauty and ugliness in the world, how can God’s kindness be proven?
10:41 - 2022/11/06

Considering the fact that there is good and evil, and beauty and ugliness in the world, how can

The capture of the Den of Espionage was a defensive, timely, and completely rational move

rational move
12:25 - 2022/11/03


The story about the patience of prophet Job

The story about the patience of  prophet Job
10:15 - 2022/11/02

Hazrat Job suffered from illness for 7 to 18 years, so that all the people blamed him and asked him: How come with so much pain and disease, you still remember God and thank Him?

Prophet Abraham

12:57 - 2022/10/30


Shocking words in childhood

Shocking words
12:30 - 2022/10/29

We, the servants of God, were created to acquire knowledge and then worship and praise the Almighty Lord.

Bahlul said: Where and how did you learn this?!

And do you have a reason to prove it?

Hazrat said: I have learned from God Almighty and from his wise speech, where he says:..........

proud king

proud king
10:48 - 2022/10/29

The elephants ran away from the house of God because of the stones that were thrown at them.

By God's will, the Kaaba was spared from the attack of Abrahe's army, and that year it became known as "Aamo- Al-fil"



11:18 - 2022/10/27

how good are those who feed and entertain others. How precious are those who enjoy feeding God's servants. God is proud of these servants

Birth of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH)

13:48 - 2022/10/20

After the birth of Hazrat Fatimah (PBUH), the Prophet offered prayers of thanksgiving, sacrificed, and invited all the people of the city to a party to share his happiness. But the enemies of the Prophet mocked him and said that you do not have a son and your generation will not continue.
