دانش آموزی

Quranic story of prophet Jonah

12:52 - 2022/10/20

Hazrat Jonah was imprisoned in the belly of a whale, and there he talked to God about and asked God to forgive him and set him free.

wasting water

wasting water
14:03 - 2022/10/19


Teaching hijab and chastity skills in primary age

Teaching hijab and chastity skills in primary age
12:45 - 2022/09/19

Children should learn to observe the hijab in front of whom. Many verses and hadiths have answered this issue, and neglecting skill learning in the elementary ages will cause the children to neglect it at a later age.

The reward of tolerance toward a spouse

The reward of tolerance toward a spouse
11:03 - 2022/09/19

The value and reward of patience with such a woman are better than punishing her with a curse

Does the devil try to mislead a person until the last moment of his life?

Does the devil try to mislead a person until the last moment of his life?
13:01 - 2022/09/18

it is natural that the devil will use his efforts to mislead people until the last possible moment and will not stop being cunning.

Imam Hussain's son

Imam Hussain's son
09:51 - 2022/09/15

Imam Hussain's son 


10:24 - 2022/09/14

salutation and greeting


Missing opportunities

Missing opportunities
12:15 - 2022/09/13

When death comes to one of them, he says, ‘My Lord! Take me back, that I may act righteously in what I have left behind.’ ‘By no means! These are mere words that he says.’ And before them is a barrier until the day they will be resurrected.

The differences

09:18 - 2022/09/13

God's justice does not mean that he distributes sustenance equally among his servants; Because equality is completely different from justice.

constant companion

constant companion
12:54 - 2022/09/12

there is one book that is always my companion. and I read it whenever I get tired and want to learn more about meanings and perfection.

This book is the Qur'an, that is, the holy book of Muslims.

Water pumping

10:36 - 2022/09/12

Man in the world is like a ship on water; If the ship of his existence is empty of the water of the material sea, the sea is at his disposal, but if he spills water in the ship of his existence, he has to empty that water by pumping.


11:48 - 2022/09/11

A person said to the Messenger of God (PBUH) that I want God to cover my faults. The Prophet said: "Cover the faults of your brothers so that God will cover your faults."
