دانش آموزی

Good morals

Good morals
11:06 - 2022/11/22


gracious god

gracious god
11:20 - 2022/11/21


God's blessings

God's blessings
10:24 - 2022/11/21


The correct way in dealing with the child and proper upbringing

The correct way in dealing with the child and  proper upbringing
14:15 - 2022/11/19

The correct way to deal with the child and proper upbringing

What is the role of youth in society according to the Qur'an?

What is the role of youth in society according to the Qur'an?
13:18 - 2022/11/17

-A believer must have a positive role in society from the beginning of his understanding until the moment his life ends, and there is no need for the Qur'an to separate people's roles in society based on their age.
Nevertheless, the Holy Qur'an with a model plan of worthy young people; Like the youth of the companions of the cave, and some of the divine young prophets, and reminding some of the stories and moral and educational points, it depicts the role of worthy young people in the society; Such as: the effect of piety, learning science and knowledge, social effort.

Deeds' record

Deeds' record
12:57 - 2022/11/16


What is the relationship between the Qur'an and heavenly previous books?

What is the relationship between the Qur'an and heavenly previous books?
11:50 - 2022/11/15

-So, woe to them who write the Book with their hands and then say, ‘This is from Allah,’ that they may sell it for a paltry gain. So, woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn!

Congregational prayer

Congregational prayer
13:14 - 2022/11/14


we feel a deep sense of shame

we feel a deep sense of shame
11:42 - 2022/11/13


What is Jesus's role (PBUH) at the time of the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (PBUH)?

What is Jesus's role (PBUH) at the time of the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (PBUH)?
10:37 - 2022/11/13


Angels' prayer

angels' prayer
13:34 - 2022/11/12

Angels' prayer

I wish we were alive

I wish we were alive
13:47 - 2022/11/08

