The capture of the Den of Espionage was a defensive, timely, and completely rational move

12:25 - 2022/11/03


rational move

The capture of the Den of espionage was a defensive and completely rational move

rational move: The 13th of November [was] a huge movement that our youths did. it was a manifestation of the arrogance of the Iranian nation. It was not like they had a problem with several people living in an embassy. The issue was the matter of important work and symbolic work in the fight against arrogance which happened rightly.

Well. the American regime is an arrogant regime. and the arrogant regime is comprehensive of many losses and evils. The arrogant regime is both a warmonger, a terrorist, a terrorist breeder, an interventionist and a monopolist. That is when we say "arrogance regime", arrogance includes all this ugliness, and mischief.

 Therefore fighting with this arrogance, with this phenomenon, is the same as rationality. giving in to bullying was against rationality.

After the revolution, we did not attack the embassy. The American embassy was exist at the beginning of the revolution. and they were busy doing their job. they were the ones who moved against the revolution. they made a speech and made a decision in Congress against the newly-born Islamic Republic.

They were the ones who decided to start a terrorist group and provide huge espionage arrangements in the embassy, which was rightfully called the Den of Espionage. [So] they were the initiators. When they started, the movement of the students who attacked the embassy was actually a defensive move, it was appropriate, it was timely and it was completely rational.[1]

rational move


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