Considering the fact that there is good and evil, and beauty and ugliness in the world, how can God’s kindness be proven?

10:41 - 2022/11/06
Considering the fact that there is good and evil, and beauty and ugliness in the world, how can God’s kindness be proven?

Considering the fact that there is good and evil, and beauty and ugliness in the world, how can God’s kindness be proven?

How can God’s kindness be proven? In this world, there is evil and ugliness as much as there is good and beauty. For example, we have both beautiful animals, and predators. Can we say that this world has two gods; one of good and the other of evil? How can such a theory be disproven?

The fact that God has created man in the best of forms and has fulfilled all of his needs both in this world and the next, and as a matter of fact, has created everything for him and put it at his disposal, is the best reason that shows he loves man. Also, he is kind to other creatures for bringing them into existence from nothingness and fulfilling their needs as well as leading them to their perfection.

All of the evils, ugliness and inconsistencies out there have their reason and justification; if we learn of these reasons, we will see that there is no conflict between these evils and God’s kindness and mercy.

As for the parents of the child, their kindness has a broader scope, meaning that in addition to keeping them away from dangerous things, they take care of her food and clothing, protect her from harm and dangerous sicknesses, they even have her vaccinated despite the pain she will go through and the chances of her being sick for a week and maybe even going to the hospital. The parents do this with the utmost precision because they see it as the exact way of being kind to their baby. They know that if the child doesn’t go through this pain, she won't be able to stand against the dangers that will threaten her later. So, this short-term pain and hardship will bring about long-term peace and health, and everyone sees this as kindness itself, to the extent that if a mother and father don’t carry out these tasks due to the hardship it will cause their child, everyone will scold them for unkindness and cold-heartedness.

The same goes for God’s kindness towards us; His mercy is even higher and transcends that of the mother and father to their child.


God’s kindness

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