Ghadir is the guardianship Eid

12:13 - 2022/07/12

Ghadir Eid; It is a return to the way of guardianship and leadership, which is higher than monotheism, above all Islamic concepts and values. If the Muslims really win in this issue, by choosing the right leader, they seriously and knowingly stand in his line, they have reached the pinnacle of victory, and they should celebrate it.

Guardianship's Eid


Guardianship is one of the

important pillars of Islam

 There are four Eids in Islam, each of which is a manifestation of the important pillars of Islam and a sign to renew the covenant with one of them.

Eid-Al Fitr: returning to oneself through the victory over the evils of the soul.

On that day the victory over the evils of the soul is celebrated because this victory is the basis and foundation of human growth and development.

Eid al-Adha; Returning to monotheistic values ​​such as sacrifice, resistance and self-devotion. and renewing the covenant with prophets Abraham and Ismail the heroes of monotheism and sacrifice.

Such a day is Eid for those who are on the path of monotheism, patience and self-sacrifice. because by achieving such valuable concepts they have the highest human characteristics and attributes.

Eid al-Fitr; is a return to unity, gathering and connection of Muslims.

Eid (Friday); is a return to coherence, gathering and Solidarity of Muslims.

This unity is one of the important factors of victory in various fields. it displays the authority and glory of Muslims in Friday prayers and shows the glorious gathering and unity of Islamic dignity.

Ghadir's Eid; It is a return to the way of guardianship and leadership which is higher than monotheism above all Islamic concepts and values. thus it's so important.

If the Muslims really win in this issue by choosing the right leader they seriously and knowingly stand in his line. they have reached the peak of victory. and they should celebrate it. Because all high human and Islamic concepts find their identity in the light of correct leadership.


As this matter is mentioned in many hadiths, including in a hadith of Imam Sadiq (A.S)[1], and the meaning of Ghadir and its purpose is also the same.


[1] - Bihar al-Anwar. vol. 6. pp. 234 and 235.

Ghadir :one of the important pillars of Islam and a sign to renew the covenant with one of them.

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