Imam Hussain's biography from birth to martyrdom (part2)

11:00 - 2022/07/25

Yazid wrote a letter to the governor of Madina and ordered him to ask Imam Hussain (AS) to pledge allegiance to Yazid and if he refused to do so, to kill him. Imam (AS) who was not willing to pledge allegiance to Yazid, went to Mecca with his family

 biography of Imam Hussain (AS) (part 2) 

Imam Hussain

Imam Hussain from birth to martyrdom

Imam Hussain(AS) sent Muslim Ibn Aqeel to Kufa. thousands of people from Kufa accompanied Muslim bin Aqeel at first. But with the arrival of Ubaidullah bin Ziyad, who was appointed by Yazid to govern Kufa and was very cunning and ruthless, the people of Kufa were deceived by his actions and broke the agreement and left Muslim alone.

As a result, Obaidullah arrested Muslim bin Aqeel and made him martyr.

When the people of Kufa at first pledged allegiance to Muslim, he wrote a letter to Imam(AS) and informed him to come to Kufa with his family. Imam Hussain (AS) moved to Kufa with his family and companions and was near Kufa when they brought the news of the people breaking the pact and Muslim's martyrdom.

Obaidullah bin Ziyad, who had gained control over the situation in Kufa, sent Hor bin Yazid Riyahi to monitor Imam (AS) and his companions. And then he sent Umar bin Saad with thirty thousand people to Karbala. He had promised Omar bin Saad that if he martyred Imam Hussain (AS), he would make him ruler.

Umar bin Saad, who came to Karbala with the greed of ruling on Ray, did not give up any oppression. He ordered to surround Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions and shut off the water on them. One after another, they were martyred with dignity and freedom in defense of the Imam Hossein (AS).

Hor bin Yazid Riyahi, who saw the oppression of Umar Saad's army and the righteousness of Imam Hussein (AS), joined the Imam's army and was martyred.

Although the incident of Karbala was short in terms of time and lasted only one day from morning to evening, every moment of it was a lesson of faith and sincerity.

The incident of Karbala is a university that teaches humanity the lesson of freedom from the infant to the old man. The pure blood of Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions gave new life to Islam and paved the way for the overthrow of the corrupt Umayyad dynasty.

Imam Hussain (AS) was born on the 3rd of Sha'ban in the 4th year of Hijrah in the city of Madinah. His honorable father is Amir Al-Mu'minin Ali (peace be upon him) and his mother Hazrat Fatima (peace be upon him) is the master of women in the world.

Imam Hussain(AS) was martyred in Karbala on the 10th day of Muharram, 61 Hijri, at the age of 57. His shrine and his companions are located in the city of Karbala in Iraq.



Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) from birth to martyrdom.

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