دانش آموزی

A new look at Ghadir Khum

12:38 - 2022/07/03

The best Shiite Eid took place on the 18th day of Dhul-Hajeh and was named as Eid Ghadir Khum so that mankind may not have any argument against Allah and they would be saved from going astray

Angels for the friends of Imam Ali (AS)

12:20 - 2022/07/02

the kind God who created us is more kind than our parents; He has given us many blessings because of the love and interest we have for Imam  Ali (AS) (peace be upon him).

Rich man and a strange dream

12:48 - 2022/06/28

Rich man and a strange dream It teaches the dear children that it should never be treated proudly with others, and the advice of sympathetic people must be accepted. 





10:54 - 2022/06/18


 The Abundance of rain in non-Islamic countries and drought in Muslim countries

09:55 - 2022/06/18

 Sometimes rain is not only beneficial but also harmful. For example, it rains so much that there is a flood or it destroys houses and farms. Sometimes a little rain on time is better and more useful than hundreds of rains at an inappropriate time.

God's promise

God's promise
09:44 - 2022/06/18

God has promised to save young people from poverty through marriage. Is such a promise compatible with existing realities?!

Prayer is the right of God and God forgives

09:21 - 2022/06/18

Everything that God has made obligatory or forbidden, in fact, each of them removes disease and pollution from our body and soul.

Put yourself in my place!

09:14 - 2022/06/16

Sometimes we treated others and our friends in a way that made them feel bad; So, we have to treat those around us in a way that we would like to be treated the same way

Our dear Prophet, teaching us that whatever you like for yourself, do it the same for others as well

valuable legacy

valuable legacy
23:48 - 2022/06/15


Good and bad companion

08:53 - 2022/06/14

As much as you can, run away from a bad friend, a bad friend is worse than a bad snake"! This means try to stay away from a bad friend because a bad friend is worse and more  dangerous than a scary snake.

The story of the earthquake after rain prayers

06:28 - 2022/06/14

Some things that God makes for us may not seem good, but there are things behind the scenes that we are unaware of it. If we trust in God, fear and stress will not overwhelm us in different parts of life.

"Responding to student's suspicions of "suicide and good deeds

suicide and good deeds
19:29 - 2022/06/13

suicide is a mortal sin. The person who commits suicide turns (herself /himself) away from God's mercy but God's mercy is endless. It is possible for a person who has committed suicide to be forgiven and enter heaven after purification
