The Oppression upon Imam Ali (a.s.)

11:29 - 2016/03/08


The Eminent Traditionist, the Trustworthy Authority of Islam Shaikh Kulaini relates from Sadeer that he says, that we were in the presence of Imam Muhammad al Baqir (a.s.) and were discussing about the events that took place after the death of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.), and the troubles and estrangement of Imam Ali (a.s.). A man among those present asked Imam al Baqir (a.s.), "May Allah (s.w.t.) mend your affairs ! What happened to the esteem and glory of the Bani Hashim and their large quantity"? Imam al Baqir (a.s.) replied, "There was none among the Bani Hashim present. While the glory of the Bani Hashim was due to the presence of Ja'far al Tayyar and Hamzah. And after the passing away of these two men, two men remained who were old, feeble and neo Muslims, Abbas (bin Abdul Muttalib) and Aqeel (bin Abi Talib). Behold ! By Allah (s.w.t.) ! If Hamzah and Ja'far had been alive, they (the oppressers) would not have reached the position that they had acquired. And if they (Hamzah & Ja'far) would be onlooking, those two men would have fallen into perdition". And due to this loneliness and deprivation it is related that whenever Imam Ali (a.s.) would ascend the pulpit, his last words before alighting would be, "I have always been oppressed from the time Allah (s.w.t.) took away the Soul of His Prophet (s.a.w.s.)".
Musayyab bin Najabah relates, that one day Imam Ali (a.s.) was reciting a sermon when a man suddenly called out, "O oppression"! Imam Ali (a.s.) told him, "Come near", he came near and Imam (s.a.) said, "I have been oppressed equaling the quantity of the particles of sand in the desert and the hair on the body of animals". It is also related that once an Arab passed by and told him, "O Commander of the oppressed faithful". Imam (a.s.) told him, "My dear ! I am the one who has been oppressed equaling the quantity of the particles of sand (in the desert) and the hair (on the body of a Camel)".
Abu Zarr al Ghiffari would address Imam Ali (a.s.) as, "The Oppressed and persecuted Master"! It is related from the Eminent Traditionist Shaikh Kulaini that Imam Ali al Hadi (a.s.) said, "Stand at the grave of Ali (a.s.) and salute him in these words : Peace be upon you O Friend of Allah  (s.w.t.) ! You are the first one who was oppressed and the first one whose right was usurped, you forebore patiently until death came to you. I bear witness that you went to the Presence of Allah (s.w.t.) while you were a Martyr, may Allah (s.w.t.) engulf your murderor with different types of punishments and renew them upon him".

The author says that this being the sigh of the scorched hearts and the little (among numerous) of the heart-rending sorrows (of Ahlulbait) that would melt the rocks of the mountains.

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan