An Elegy Expressing Grief upon Zahra (s.a.)

11:30 - 2016/03/08


We quote below the gist of an elegy by Shaikh Saleh al Hilli, who says, "When oppression pounced upon the Progeny of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) lay without shroud; those who said to Fatemah (s.a.), that you hurt us due to excessive weeping and wailing; they cut the tree of ‘Arak', so that she could not sit under the shade of its leaves and flowers and weep; they gathered wood at the house of the ones, in whose absence the Religion would not have been incorporated; the one who gathered at the house of Batool, and subsequently she miscarried her child; they dragged their Imam forcefully, while Chastity (Fatemah) was wailing behind them; leave my cousin or I shall call upon the Lord with disheveled hair and complain to Him; the Camel of (Prophet) Saleh and its children  are not more dear in the sight of Allah (s.w.t.) than me; she went to the sacred grave (of the Prophet) with intense grief and sorrowful heart; when the nails of sorrow engulfed in her heart, she complained regarding the scarcity of defenders to assist her; O father ! This Samaritan and its calves are under the mercy of men and they have pounced upon Haroon (referring to Imam Ali); what shall I complain to you about, should I complain of the striking of the whip upon me and its mark and pain that shall remain upon me all my life; should I express grief upon the separation of my father or the usurpation of the right of Ali, or upon my broken ribs or the miscarried child; they usurped my inheritance refusing to acknowledge my rights even after recognizing my status well; they aggrieved your Hasan and Husain, and when I asked them my rights they refused to give me".

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan