Ali (a.s.) Consoles Zahra (s.a.)

10:24 - 2016/03/10

Hearing this, Imam Ali (a.s.) told her, "Woe and wailing should not be for you but should be for your enemies, control yourself. O daughter of the Chosen one of Allah (s.w.t.) and the remembrance of Prophethood ! I have not acted feebly in the acts of Religion nor have I neglected that what is destined for me. Then if you worry regarding your sustenance, know that it is already reserved for you and your Surety (Allah) is Trustworthy. And whatever has been destined for you in the hereafter is better than that which they snatched away from you. Leave it to Allah (s.w.t.)'s accountability". Fatemah (s.a.) was pacified by these words of Imam Ali (a.s.) and she said, "Verily Allah (s.w.t.) is sufficient for me and the Most Excellent Protector is He".
you say : You have caused a division among the Bani Israeel and did not respect my word". (Surah al Taha : 94). The attitude of Prophet Moosa (a.s.) towards Prophet Haroon (a.s.) was not due of any doubt against the stand taken by him against the Bani Israeel, but he wanted the matter to be exhibited to the public. And he wanted that Haroon (a.s.) should explain his stand so that no room be left for accussing him of joining hands with the Bani Israeel or neglecting his duty. Sayyedah Fatemah (s.a.) too desired similarly and wanted to exhibit the tyranny of the oppressors, thus she used harsh words to reveal to the people of that age, as also the people to come, as to what oppression have been meted out upon the Ahlulbait (a.s.) of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.). Here ends the discourse of Allamah Majlisi.
It is human nature that when a person faces oppression he turns to no one, except his most beloved ones and whom he trusts most, and often uses harsh words to complain his matter. And Allah (s.w.t.) is the Best Knower.

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan