Criticism Against the Treachery of Men

09:46 - 2016/03/10


"Thus when Allah (s.w.t.) the Almighty exalted his Prophet (s.a.w.s.) from this perishable world towards the abode of His Prophets (a.s.) and His ‘Chosen Ones', then the thorns of hypocricy manifested in you. And the mantle of your Religion gave, and the astray ones, who were silent till yesterday, suddenly started shrieking, and the degraded and mean ones came out of their burrows into the open ground, and the valiant ones of thepolytheists of falsehood started roaring. Now these very people have been taken hold of the reins of authority into their hands and shaitan has raised his head from the place of his concealment, inviting you towards evil, thus he found you to be among those accepting his invitation. And you beholded him with an intention tosecuring position or being decieved. Shaitan invited you to rebel and found you to be base and mean people and he incited your rage and you were enraged. Then you started to snatch the rights of others and you entered the spring that did not belong to you. And you did all this when not much time has passed of the age of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the wound (of his death) is deep and the wounds of our hearts have not yet healed and the corpse of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was not even laid to rest in the grave. You acted very swiftly dreading the outbreak of an agitation, beware they themselves have fallen into the pit of agitation. Surely into trial have they already fallen, and verily hell encompasses the infidels.[197] Far be it away from you ! And what has happened to you ? And where are you wandering ? While the book of Allah (i.e. Qur'an) is amongst you, whose orders are apparent and judgements illuminated, and its emblems dazzling. And whose enjoinments and prohibitions are


[197] Holy Qur'an, Surah al Bara’at : 49
straightforward. Did you not leave it thus behind your backs, then you turn your faces away from it in disgust and turn to something else for judgement ? And Evil for the unjust would be the exchange.[198] And whoever seeks any religion other than Islam, never shall it be accepted from him, and in the next world he shall be among the losers.[199] Then you did not even wait for such long that the tempest may calm down, and you hastened to take the reins (of the caliphate) into your hands. After having acquired it (the Caliphate) you started to ignite the fire of mutiny and you became engrossed in inciting the fire. Andyou responded to the call of Shatain, the seducer, and you intended to put out the light of the Glorious Religion.[200] And you started to destroy the practices of the Chosen Prophet (s.a.w.s.), then you delight in suckling the delicacies of the caliphate and thus you oppose the Ahlulbait (a.s.) in secret and in the open. And we have no choice but to bear the cuts of your daggers and the piercing of the spear into the body".


[198]Holy Qur'an, Surah al Kahf : 50

[199]Holy Qur'an, Surah Ale Imran : 85

[200] Refer the Qur'anic Verses, "Intend they that they put out the Light of Allah with (the blow of) their mouths, and disdains Allah save that He perfects His Light, though may detest the infidels" Surah al Bara'at : 32 and "Intend they to put out the Light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His Light, though averse may be the disbelievers". (Surah al Saff : 8)

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan