A Severe Protest of Umar Against Abu Bakr

12:08 - 2016/03/08

Hearing this Umar bin Khattab was enraged and addressed Abu Bakr in these words, "You cannot speak anything else except such talks.You are the son of that father who was never at the forefront of any battle, nor was he generous and beneficient during the days of severity and famine. Glory be to Allah (s.w.t.) ! What a coward and timid man, possessing a weak heart are you ? I handed you clear and pleasant water but you are not ready to take benefit from it or quench your thirst of that pure water. I made the stubborn necks bow and submit to you and gathered diplomats and experienced men around you. If it would not have been for my efforts and endeavour, this success would not have come to you and certainly Ali bin Abi Talib would have broken your bones. Offer thanks to Allah (s.w.t.) that because of me you have acquired this significant position, when certainly the one who acquires the place of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) on his pulpit should thank Allah (s.w.t.). And this Ali, the son of Abu Talib, is similar to a solid rock that cannot break so that water may pass through it. And he is similar to a dangerous snake (Allah's refuge) that cannot be tamed, except through charm and trick. And he is similar to a bitter tree (Allah's refuge) that even if it is fed with honey, it will not bear a sweet fruit. He has killed the brave men among the Quraish and crushed the stubborn ones. Then be calm and do not fear his threats and let not your heart tremble by his lightening and thunder. I shall finish his task and stop his way before he comes forth to hurt you".

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan