Reply of Abu Bakr to Fatemah (s.a.)

09:53 - 2016/03/10


And when the speech of Fatemah (s.a.) reached here, Abu Bakr replied to her, after Praising & Glorifying Allah (s.w.t.), he said, "O daughter of the Prophet of Allah ! Your father the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) was affectionate, generous, kind and merciful towards the believers and enraged and severe towards the unbelievers. The Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) was your father in relation and not of any other woman, and he was the brother of your husband and not of anyone else. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) preferred him (Ali) for all important tasks than all else, and he was an excellent aide for him (Imam Ali). None befriends you except the felicitous ones and none, except an unfortunate, can bear enmity towards you. Thus you are the Chaste Progeny of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) and you are the virtuous and chosen ones of Allah (s.w.t.). You are our guides towards felicity and shall be our master towards Paradise. And you, O the best of women, and the daughter of the best of Prophets ! You are honest in your speech and eminent with regards to intelligence and your words cannot be refuted, rather they should be accepted. By Allah ! I have  not disobeyed the orders of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) and have not acted, except by his permission. Certainly the one who leads does not speak a lie. I hold Allah (s.w.t.) as witness that I have heard from the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) that we Prophets do not leave any gold or silver, land or property as inheritance, while our inheritance is Knowledge, Wisdom, the Book and Prophethood. And whatever we leave behind of the things of this world is under the possession of the one who takes the reins of the authority in his hands, and it is upon him to spend it as he may deem fit. And I have spent from that, regarding which you claim, for preparing avenues and resources for wars, like weapons and mounts, so that the Muslims may succeed and obtain greatness, and they may attain victory in wars with the polytheists and enemies. And I have done this after obtaining general consent with the Muslims, and I do not share this view alone. And this (with me) is my personal wealth, you may take it as you please, and I do not wish to hoard my wealth after witholding from you. You are the mistress of the nation of your father (s.a.w.s.) and the Chaste Mother of your children. We do not refuse your merits and status in consideration of your father and children. While your order upon that which is in my hands is binding, but how do you think that I disobey the orders of your father the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) "?

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan