A Reply by the Tutor of Ibn Abil Hadeed to his Questions

12:02 - 2016/03/08

  Allamah Majlisi in his Bihar ul Anwar relates from the renowned Scholar of the Ahlus Sunnah Ibn Abil Hadeed, who says that I asked  my teacher Abu Ja'far Naqeeb that, "I am thrilled at the tasks of Ali (a.s.) as to how come he remained alive for a long time afterthe death of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) inspite of the deception of the enemies. And they could not find respite to kill him deceitfully with all the heartburn that they bore towards him”. Abu Ja’far replied, "If Ali (a.s.) had not practiced forebearence and patience and had not remained isolated, he would have been killed. But he remained in worship, Prayers, recitation of the Qur'an and desisted himself from the previous zeal. He kept awayhis sword and spent his life like the one in search of respite. He wandered in the forests, deserts and at the end of the mountains. And he remained obedient to the Caliphs[171]


[171] This is not an acceptable historical proof, rather Imam Ali (a.s.) reverted to leading a quiet life, almost confined to the four walls of his house. And this has been pointed out by Veccia Vaglieri in E12, Article ‘Ali', while also the Sermon of Shiqshiqayyah bears witness to it. Ibn Abil Hadeed, writes a long commentary on this speech and explains major characteristics of the first two caliphs, their policies in arranging the affairs of the community, theirattitude towards Imam Ali (a.s.) and his reservations about the handling of matters by them. But Imam Ali (a.s.) never remained  obedient to the Caliphs and history quotes numerous incidentswherein he differed from them in various matters. On political and administrative matters, his disagreement with Umar on the question of Diwan (distribution of stipends) and his absence from all the wars fought under Umar (in name of extending the frontiers of Islam) can be well cited. Nevertheless, whenever any serious matters came upon Islam or the Muslims, he (a.s.) was the first one to hasten to their call. There are numerous occasions recorded in history that whenever the Caliphs faced certain straightened circumstances, which were beyond their apprehension & judgement, they would turn to him for help and he would most generously offer his excellent & flawless judgement in this regard. Thus on numerous occasions Umar is found to have said, "If Ali was not there, Umar would have perished".

similar to other men, thus his enemies lifted their hands off him and forgot him. And nobody could kill him, except by obtaining permission from the Caliphs, or obtain their hidden approval. But those in charge did not have the motivation to kill Ali (a.s.) they were helpless to lift their hands off him, otherwise they would have killed him. And from another angle, death itself is a firm and steady circle and a solid fort that cannot be traversed, so that death may not come forth and nobody may be killed (except by Allah’s will and command)".
Then I asked my teacher regarding the incident of Abu Bakr appointing Khalid to kill Ali (a.s.). He replied, "A group among the Alawites (Shi’ah) relate this incident and also say that a man came to Zafar bin Hudayl, the student of Abu Hanifah and asked, "What is this that Abu Hanifah says that it is permissible for a man to conclude his
also the Sermon of Shiqshiqayyah bears witness to it. Ibn Abil Hadeed, writes a long commentary on this speech and explains major characteristics of the first two caliphs, their policies in arranging the affairs of the community, their attitude towards Imam Ali (a.s.) and his reservations about the handling of matters by them. But Imam Ali (a.s.) never remained obedient to the Caliphs and history quotes numerous incidents wherein he differed from the in various matters. On political and administrative matters, his disagreement with Umar on the question of Diwan (distribution of stipends) and his absence from all the wars fought under Umar (in name of extending the frontiers of Islam) can be well cited. Nevertheless, whenever any serious matters came upon Islam or the  Muslims, he (a.s.) was the first one to hasten to their call. There are numerous occasions recorded in history that whenever the Caliphs faced certain straightened circumstances, which were beyond their apprehension & judgement, they would turn to him for help and he would most generously offer his excellent & flawless judgement in this regard. Thus on numerous occasions Umar is foundto have said, "If Ali was not there, Umar would have perished".
Prayers before reciting the salutations; he can talk, do something or answer the call of nature"? Zafar replied, "It ispermissible, in the same manner as Abu Bakr talked before reciting the salutation in Prayers". The man asked, "What did Abu Bakr saybefore the salutations"? Zafar replied, "It does not suit a man like you to question like this". But he repeatedly requested to be replied and Zafar said to those present, "Remove this man out from here, for I presume he is one among the adherents of Abul Khattab".[172]Ibn Abil Hadeed says that I asked my teacher Abu Ja'far Naqeeb, "What is your opinion regarding this incident, did Abu Bakr order the murder of Ali (a.s.)"? Naqeeb replied, "I presume it to be remote, but the sect of Imamiyah quote it".


[172] He was Maqlas al Asadi al Kufi and was an extremist. There are traditions in his condemnation, curse and disassociation, and he was killed after Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (a.s.) cursed him. He was killed by Isa bin Musa Abbasi, the governor of Kufah. (Shaikh Abbas al Qummi, “Hadiyatul Ahbab”)

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan