Fatemah (s.a.) Criticizes the Deceit of Men

10:06 - 2016/03/10

Then Fatemah (s.a.) turned towards those present and said, "O group of Muslims ! Very Soon have you hastened towards fallacious words and you shut your eyes in the wake of ugly and lossful deeds. What ! Reflect they not on the Qur'an, nay, on (their) hearts are (set) their locks,[218] Nay ! Rather has rusted their hearts.[219] And these evil deeds have shut your ears & eyes. The


[218] Holy Qur'an, Surah al Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) : 24

[219] Holy Qur'an, Surah al Mutaffefeen : 14
result of your deeds is very evil, as also what you have indicated. And the things that you have usurped or taken control of is also evil, and by Allah (s.w.t.), you shall find it weighty and will not be able to bear its burden. And its end shall be very ugly, when the curtain shall be lifted off from in front of you and the adversities behind it shall be made manifest to you. And there shall appear unto you from your Lord that which you had not been reckoning.[220] And those who stood on falsehood were then the losers”. [221]


[220] Refer to the Qur'anic Verse :  And there shall appear unto them, from Allah, that which they had not been reckoning (Surah al Zumur : 47).

[221] Holy Qur'an, Surah al Mu’min : 78

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan