Verses of Zahra (s.a.) Addressing the Prophet (s.a.w.s.)

10:11 - 2016/03/10

 In the conclusion of the sermon, Sayyedah Fatemah (s.a.) turnedtowards the grave of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) and addressed him saying, "Just after you such troubles and incidents came up, that if you had been alive they would not have increased; your death upon us is similar to the earth that is devoid of rain, your nation defaulted after your departure, then be thou witness and do not neglect it; and the one who occupies proximity and status near Allah (s.w.t.), is near to his relatives too (and does not forget them); a few men arose whose hearts were full of rancour, when you were no longer amongst us and were hidden under the earth; a group of men looked at us with resentment and deemed our status to below, when you went away from our midst and (they) snatched away all our rights; you were the  light and a full moon from whom people benefited, and it is you upon whom the books were revealed from Allah (s.w.t.); while Jibra'eel who brought the verses was our aide, and all goodness left with your parting away; and I wish death had taken us before your parting away, and we are engulfed in such sorrow after your departure, that no sorrow among the Arabs and Non-Arabs can be compared to that of ours'".
It is stated in Ad Durrun Nazeem that Sayyedah Fatemah (s.a.) added three more verses to the above elegy, "Until you were alive I had an aid to support me, and I paved the way with respect and you were similar to my wings; and today I should be humbled and fear the wretched one, and defend myself against those who have done injustice to me; and when the turtledove cries upon the branch at night, while I weep upon you at morning".
Shaikh Mufeed in his Amali relates with his chain of narrators from Sayyedah Zainab, the daughter of Imam Ali (a.s.), that when Abu Bakr desired to snatch Fadak from Fatemah (s.a.), while she became disappointed with him, she went to the side of the grave of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) and threw herself upon his grave. She complained to him regarding the oppression of the nation and wept such, that the earth of the grave of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) were soaked with her tears. Then she recited the following heart-rending elegy,  "Just after you such troubles and incidents came up, that if you had been alive they would not have increased; your death upon us is similar to the earth that is devoid of rain, your nation defaulted after your departure, then be thou witness and do not neglect it; and the one who occupies proximity and status near Allah (s.w.t.), is near to his relatives too (and does not forget them); a few men arose whose hearts were full of rancour, when you were no longer amongst us and were hidden under the earth; a group of men looked at us with resentment and deemed our status to be low, when you went away from our midst and (they) snatched away all our rights; you were the light and a full moon from whom people benefited, and it is you upon whom the books were revealed from Allah (s.w.t.); while Jibra'eel who brought the verses was our aide, and all goodness left with your parting away; and I wish death had taken us before your parting away, and we are engulfed in such sorrow after your departure, that no sorrow among the Arabs and Non-Arabs can be compared to that of ours'".

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan