Similitude of the task of Imam Ali (a.s.) with five Prophets (a.s.)

11:33 - 2016/03/08


Then Imam Ali (a.s.) returned back to his home and remained away from people. Then one day he told his followers that, "I resemble five Prophets (a.s.) in five ways : (1) Prophet Nooh (a.s.). He addressed Allah (s.w.t.) saying : Verily, I am overcome (by these people), so give help,[157](2) Prophet Ibraheem (a.s.), he told the polytheists : I withdraw from you (all) and what you call upon other than Allah,[158] (3) Prophet Loot (a.s.), who told his rebellious people : Would that I had strength to resist you or betake myself to a strong support,[159] (4) Prophet Moosa (a.s.), he told the people of Fir'aun : So I fled from you when I feared you,[160] and (5) Prophet Haroon (a.s.) who told (his brother) Prophet Moosa (a.s.) : Verily the people did reckon me weak and had well-nigh slain me”.[161]


[157]Holy Qur’an, Surah al Qamar : 10

 [158] Holy Qur’an, Surah al Maryam : 48

  [159] Holy Qur’an, Surah al Hud : 80

  [160 Holy Qur’an, Surah al Shu’ara : 21

  [161] Holy Qur’an, Surah al A’araf : 150
Then Imam Ali (a.s.) became engrossed in compiling and arranging the Qur'an, (and after completing it) he put it in a cloth andaffixed his seal upon it. He told people, "This is the book of Allah (s.w.t.) that I have arranged according to the orders of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) as it was revealed upon him". Some of those present told him, "Lift your Qur'an and go away". Imam Ali (a.s.) told them, "The Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) had told you all that I leave behind me two weighty things, the book of Allah (s.w.t.) and my Progeny, and these two shall not part from one another until they meet me at the (fountain of) Kausar. Then if you recognise the words of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.), accept me, that I shall judge among you on the basis of the orders of the Qur'an". They replied, "We do not need you nor your Qur'an, now lift up your Qur'an and go away, then do not part with it". Hearing this Imam Ali (a.s.) returned back and went to his house and also his Shi'ah, for the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) had taken this pledge from them (to forebear).

But the people did not sit idle, they gathered at the house of Ali (a.s.) and burnt his house. They forcefully dragged him to the Masjid (to swear allegiance at the hands of Abu Bakr), while Fatemah (s.a.) was crushed in between the wall and door and her child Muhsin was aborted. They told Ali (a.s.), "Swear allegiance", but he refused to do so saying, "I shall not do so". They replied, "Then if you do not do so, we shall kill you". Ali (a.s.) replied, "Will you kill me while I am the slave of Allah (s.w.t.) and the brother of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.)"? They forcibly extended his hand but he closed it and it was not possible for them to open it, thus they rubbed the closed hand of Ali (a.s.) upon that of Abu Bakr.

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan