A Pounding Letter of Imam Ali (a.s.) to Abu Bakr

12:04 - 2016/03/08

It is quoted in Al Ehtijaj of Shaikh Tabarsi that when Imam Ali (a.s.) was informed that Abu Bakr had snatched away Fadak from Fatemah (s.a.) and that he had thrown out her labourers from there, he (a.s.) wrote a pounding letter to Abu Bakr as follows : Steer through the waves of mischief by boats of deliverance, put off the crowns of pride and turn away from the conceit of egoistic men. You should turn alone towards the fountainhead of grace and light. You have taken for your self the inheritance left by the ‘Pure Souls', then come out from the circle of ignorance, negligence and perplexity. It is as if I see with my eyes that you, similar to a blindfolded Camel, are circumambulating around destruction and walking in bewilderment and distress. By Allah ! If I had been ordered, I would have blown your heads off similar to ripping of the ready harvest with a sharp iron sickle. And I would sever the heads of your brave ones with such ferocity, that your eyes would be wounded and each one of you would be frightful and perplexed. I am the one who has scattered the abundant crowd (of enemies), and have destroyed armies. I could strike at your group and your customs, I was busy in the battlefield fighting (the enemies), while you had retired in your homes. Just yesterday I was busy in  serving the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and all of you were aware of all mydeeds and acknowledged my status. I swear by the life of my father ! You never did consent that Prophethood and Caliphate would both be combined in our family. You have still not forgotten the envy of the battles of Badr and Uhud. By Allah ! If we reveal to you what Almighty Allah (s.w.t.) has decreed regarding you, certainly the bones of your ribs would enter your bodies similar to the points of the compass. If I speak out they would call me greedy towards power, but if I keep quiet they would say that Ali bin Abi Talib is afraid of death. Alas ! Alas ! I am more desirous of death than an infant is with the breast of its mother. I am the one who has made the enemies taste death and have greeted death with open arms in the battlefield. I do not have the slightest fear or terror of death. I am the one who has turned away the flags of the enemies in pitch-black darkness of the nights. I am the one who warded off blockade and sorrow for the sake of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.). And I am authorized to tell you what Allah (s.w.t.) has revealed regarding you and I know it, then you will tremble like ropes in deep wells and would wander in the desert in bewilderment. But I forebore and have lead a simple and easy life, so that I may meet the Lord of the Universe with hands empty of the pleasures of life and heart vacant of darkness. Then know that the reality of this world of yours is similar to the cloud that hangs in the air and looks wide and thick upon the heads of men, then it (suddenly) disappears and scatters away. Then very soon will the dust set from in front of your eyes and you shall witness the results of your evil deeds. Then you shall reap the bitter seeds of poison & perdition that you have sown. Then know that Allah (s.w.t.) is the Best Judge and His beloved Prophet (s.a.w.s.) shall be your greatest enemy, while the ground of Qiyamah will be your place of return. Allah (s.w.t.) will keep you away from His Mercy and engulf you in His severe wrath. And peace will be unto him who follows the guidance”. [173]


[173]Holy Qur’an, Surah al Taha : 47

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan