A Drafted Conspiracy toKill Ali (a.s.)

11:59 - 2016/03/08


Allamah Tabarsi, in his book al Ehtijaj, after quoting the above incidents again relates from Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (a.s.), that  after the protest of Imam Ali (a.s.), Abu Bakr returned back to his house from the Masjid and called Umar bin Khattab. Umar came to AbuBakr and he told him, "Did you see how the discourse between Ali and myself concluded ? Then if such clashes take place between us again on another day, certainly our power will tremble and the pillars of our authority will become unstable, then what do you opine"? Umar replied, "In my opinion we should order the assassination of Ali". Abu Bakr asked, "How and by whom should this be done"? Umar replied, "Khalid bin Waleed is fit for this job". Then they depatched a man to seek Khalid and he came to them. They told him, "Do you wish that we should appoint you upon a great task"? Khalid replied, "Load me with whatever you want, even if it may be to kill Ali bin Abi Talib". They  both replied, "We wish the same". Khalid asked, "I shall do what you confirm, but tell me how should I kill him"? Abu Bakr replied, "Be present in the Masjid and sit besides Ali to recite the Prayers, and when I recite the last salutations to conclude the Prayer, arise and behead him” (May Allah's eternal curse be upon them all). Khalid replied, "Good, I shall do that". Asma bint Umays, who was the wife of Abu Bakr, was present there in the house and she heard their talks. She called her maid saying, "Go to the house of Ali (a.s.) and Fatemah (s.a.) and give my salutations to them. Then tell Ali (a.s.) : Verily the chiefs are consulting to slay you, begone, verily unto you I am of the sincere advisers”.[169] Hearing thisImam Ali (a.s.) told the maid, "Tell Asma that verily Allah (s.w.t.) precludes between them and what they desire".
Then Imam Ali (a.s.) came out of his house with the intention of going to the Masjid to recite the Prayers and sat in the rows. Khalid too entered therein with his sword and sat besides Ali (a.s.). The Prayers started and when Abu Bakr sat to recite the Tashahhud[170], he


[169]Holy Qur’an, Surah al Qasas : 20

[170] In the second Rak'at (unit) of every Prayer and the third Rak'at in Maghrib Prayers and in the fourth Rak'at of Zuhr, Asr and Isha Prayers, one should sit erect after the second Sajdah and recite the Tashahud viz bearing witness of the Unity of Allah (s.w.t.) and the Prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) followed by sending Allah's blessings upon the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and his Progeny (a.s.). Tashahhud is among the obligatory parts of Prayers. It will not out of place to quote here the words of Imam al Shafe’i, who says, ”O Ahlulbait ! Your love is a duty imposed on us in the Holy Book. If a worshipper omits Salawat in his Prayer, it will be null & void. Isn’t it sufficient evidence of your honour in the eyes of Allah (s.w.t.)”?

regretted his decision and feared that a commotion would erupt in recognition of the valour and courage of Ali (a.s.). He was such disturbed that he wondered whether he should recite the last salutations or no, people presumed that he had fallen prey to error and suspicion. Suddenly he turned towards Khalid and said, "Do not do that what I commanded you…… and peace be upon you Allah (s.w.t.)'s Mercy and His Blessings". Hearing this Imam Ali (a.s.) told Khalid, "What did he command you"? Khalid replied, "He had ordered me to behead you". Ali (a.s.) said, "Then why did you not perform it". Khalid replied, "By Allah ! If he had not stopped me before ending the Prayers, I would certainly have killed you". At that moment Imam Ali (a.s.) pushed Khalid and he fell upon the ground, people gathered around and requested Imam (a.s.) to leaveKhalid. Umar called out, "By the Lord of the Ka'bah ! He will surely kill Khalid". The people told Imam Ali (a.s.), "We request you in the name of the one buried in this grave (Prophet), release Khalid", hearing this Ali (a.s.) let him go.
Abu Zarr al Ghiffari relates that Imam Ali (a.s.) caught hold of the neck of Khalid between two of his fore fingers and squeezed it such that Khalid gave a cry. The people were frightened and each one feared for his life, at that moment Khalid polluted his clothes and folded his legs upon one other and did not utter a word. Seeing this Abu Bakr told Umar, "And this is the result of your chaotic opinion, I see today's incident and thank Allah (s.w.t.) that we are safe". And whoever would go near Ali (a.s.) to rescue Khalid from his firm grip, would return back in fright looking at his enraged eyes. Abu Bakr sent Umar to Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, he came and intervened and said to Ali (a.s.), "I request you in the name of the occupant of this grave and your sons and their mother, release Khalid". Hearing this, Imam Ali (a.s.) released Khalid.Then Abbas kissed between both the eyes of Imam Ali (a.s.).
In another narration it is related that then Imam Ali (a.s.) caught hold of the shirt of Umar and said, "O son Sahhak, the Abyssinian ! If there would not have been the command of Allah (s.w.t.) and the oath of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.), you would have known who among us is more feeble and less in number". Those present intervened and Imam Ali (a.s.) relased Umar. At that moment Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib went to Abu Bakr and said, "By Allah ! If you had killed Ali, you would not find anyone alive among the children of Taim".

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan